Views: 5171
Last Modified: 19.09.2022

  General information

Push and Pull server queue is designed for instant communication between many Bitrix24 tools and features, such as: Tasks, Calendar, Feed, Workgroups, RPA, the abovementioned Bitrix24 mobile application, Chats, Document Generator, Telephony, Sales Center and other services.

Push server is installed by default in the Virtual Appliance BitrixVA version 7.1 and later Virtual Appliance saves time and effort needed for correct deployment and administration of site or internal data resource based on Bitrix24 products.

Learn more in the Bitrix Virtual Appliance course

Attention: Web Messenger (im) 20.400.0 module update is scheduled for release at the start of 2021. After this update is installed, chats without configured Push and Pull queue server will no longer be supported.

Attention: In the Autumn/Fall 2021 deprecated versions of Nginx-PushStreamModule 0.3.4/0.4.0 and Bitrix Push server 1.0 local queue servers will no longer be supported.

We recommend to setup local queue Bitrix24 cloud server or local Bitrix Push server 2.0 in advance. You can find it in Push and Pull module and server configurations lesson.

You can find information on upgrading to the current server version (Bitrix Push server 2.0) in these lessons:

  Legacy versions

Attention! In the Autumn/Fall 2021 all older versions of Push&Pull module will become deprecated. They will be removed from Bitrix Virtual Appliance and will no longer be supported by chats inside the product, for example.
It is strongly recommended to upgrade to the latest Bitrix Virtual Appliance versions.

For legacy Virtual Appliance versions, use the information hidden in the spoilers below.

Bitrix24 Push and Pull module operation on the Bitrix Virtual Appliance version up to 5.0.

Parameters for nginx-push-stream-module version 0.4.0 (recommended)

Parameters for nginx-push-stream-module version 0.3.4

More details on how to use the module can be found in the Bitrix Framework course inside the lesson on the Push and Pull module Push & Pull operates in two modes:

continuous connection to special Queue server;
in server polling mode (60-20-10).

Lean more in Bitrix Framework learning course


Courses developed by Bitrix24