Views: 1634
Last Modified: 12.09.2024

New Chat design

Previous format for applications embedded to chat was introduced before unified Rest Placement format (location for embedding You application can add features in a specially designated standard UI areas: CRM object details, various lists of elements or items, etc.

Use the 'placement.bind' to assign the embedding location. Single application can set an arbitrary number of handlers, even for the same embedding location (for example, if you need to add several operations in a CRM lead's context menu).

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Rest applications).

After the release of Rest Placement format for developers to solve product embedding objectives, had to learn two different implementation formats - (legacy format Developers can embed into Messenger, by adding its icon into text input panel.

There are two types of applications for chat - JS command or IFRAME app.

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for chats and the new type - for the rest of entities) and support of several formats is too resource-consuming.

That's why the new Chat design that will be released soon to customers in 2023 introduces the unified format for the Rest Placement.

New Chat has several embedding locations:

  • IM_NAVIGATION – application for the left navigation menu (by its design, its an application inside the chat environment without embedding directly into chat);
  • IM_TEXTAREA – application for panel above input field (this format existed before – for generating content when typing the message);
  • IM_SIDEBAR – application for sidebar (you can create applications that add extra scenarios for chat – for example, separate drive for chat or knowledge base);
  • IM_CONTEXT_MENU – application for opening message context menu inside chat, by embedding an option to "Create using" (similar to "Create task” or "Create meeting" based on the message);
  • IM_SMILES_SELECTOR – application for extending smileys and giphy options (custom image or smileys sources can be used).

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