Add CRM automation rule that creates invoice based on lead or deal
This example demonstrates how you can create an automation rule in Bitrix24 that will create an invoice based on lead or deal
Attention! To use this example, you need to configure CRest class and connect file crest.php inside files that use this class details.
update path $handlerUrl for a file that registers an activity with your path for the file executing the activity :
$handlerUrl = 'https://yourdomain.yyy/handler.php';
$result = CRest::call(
'CODE' => 'robotAccount',
'HANDLER' => $handlerUrl,
'AUTH_USER_ID' => 1,
'NAME' => 'RobotAccount',
'account_title' => [
'Name' => 'Format account title',
'Description' => '',
'Type' => 'string',
'Required' => 'Y',
'Multiple' => 'N',
'Default' => 'Account title',
'my_company_id' => [
'Name' => 'My Company id',
'Description' => '',
'Type' => 'int',
'Required' => 'Y',
'Multiple' => 'N',
'Default' => '1',
'pay_system_id' => [
'Name' => 'Pay system id',
'Description' => '',
'Type' => 'int',
'Required' => 'Y',
'Multiple' => 'N',
'Default' => '1',
activity handler path you have specified in the variable $handlerUrl above:
$my_company_id = intVal($_REQUEST['properties']['my_company_id']);
$pay_system_id = intVal($_REQUEST['properties']['pay_system_id']);//some in CRest::call('sale.paysystem.list')
$account_title = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['properties']['account_title']);
$arDocument = $_REQUEST['document_id'];
$iDealID = 0;
$iLeadID = 0;
if (is_array($arDocument))
foreach ($arDocument as $param)
{//search id
if (strpos($param, 'DEAL_') !== false)
$iDealID = intVal(substr($param, strlen('DEAL_')));
elseif(strpos($param, 'LEAD_') !== false)
$iLeadID = intVal(substr($param, strlen('LEAD_')));
if ($iDealID > 0)
$result = CRest::call(
'id' => $iDealID
if (!empty($result['result']))
$arData = $result['result'];
$resultProduct = CRest::call(
'id' => $iDealID
elseif($iLeadID > 0)
$result = CRest::call(
'id' => $iLeadID
if (!empty($result['result']))
$arData = $result['result'];
$resultProduct = CRest::call(
'id' => $iLeadID
if(!empty($arData['COMPANY_ID']) || !empty($arData['CONTACT_ID']))
if (empty($resultProduct['result']))
{//if the deal or lead has no products
$resultProduct['result'][] = [
'ID' => 0,
'PRODUCT_ID' => 0,
'PRODUCT_NAME' => $account_title,
'QUANTITY' => 1,
'PRICE' => ($arData['OPPORTUNITY'])?:0,
$arProduct = [];
foreach ($resultProduct['result'] as $product)
$arProduct[] = [
'ID' => $product['ID'],
'PRODUCT_ID' => $product['PRODUCT_ID'],
'QUANTITY' => $product['QUANTITY'],
'PRICE' => $product['PRICE']
$resultInvoice = CRest::call(
'fields' => [
'ORDER_TOPIC' => $account_title,
'UF_DEAL_ID' => $arData['ID'],
'UF_MYCOMPANY_ID' => $my_company_id,
'PERSON_TYPE_ID' => ($arData['COMPANY_ID'] > 0) ? 1 : 2,//1 is company, 2 is contact in CRest::call('crm.persontype.list')
'PAY_SYSTEM_ID' => $pay_system_id,
"STATUS_ID" => "N",
'DATE_PAY_BEFORE' => date(DATE_ATOM, time() + 3600 * 24 * 20),//20 day pay
'PRODUCT_ROWS' => $arProduct,
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