array arFields
The method Add creates a new tax rate given its parameters.
Parameter | Description |
arFields |
Associated array containing parameters of the new tax rate whose keys
are the order parameter names, and values are the parameter values.
following values are possible:
TAX_ID - the tax ID;
PERSON_TYPE_ID - the payer ID;
- VALUE - amount of tax (percentage);
- CURRENCY - currency;
- IS_PERCENT - always set to "Y";
- IS_IN_PRICE - product price includes the tax amount;
- APPLY_ORDER - order in which the tax is applied;
- ACTIVE - specifies the tax is active (Y/N);
- TAX_LOCATION - array used to define locations and location groups
to which this tax is applicable. Each entry in this array is in its turn
an array with the following keys:
- LOCATION_ID - the ID of location or location group;
- LOCATION_TYPE - set to "L" for locations and to "G"
for location groups.
Returned values
Returns the ID of the new tax rate on success or false otherwise.