

 Object params

Shows calendar with specified parameters.

Function parameters

Parameter Description
node Link to a DOM node, around which the calendar must be displayed.
value Initial value of calendar in the site format. If not specified, the value is taken from the 'field'.
field Link to a DOM node, corresponding to a form element from which the value will be sourced and where the value will be recorded.
form Form, where the 'field' will be searched, if a string is specified.
callback Date selection handler. It can return 'false', to restrict the closing of calendar.
callback_after Additional handler, called after the date is selected.
bTime Specifies, whether to enable the time selection control.
bHideTime Specifies, whether to hide the enabled time selection control by default. If the initial calendar value is specified, the fact of available or unavailable time in it will overlap this parameter.
currentTime Current time (value by default).
weekStart First day of the week. By default will be taken from the site/language settings.


<input type="text" value="03.02.2015" name="date" onclick="BX.calendar({node: this, field: this, bTime: false});">

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