Shopping cart
Attention! Shipments are always associated with orders. It's categorically prohibited to use the method \Bitrix\Sale\Basket::save()
for saving shipments. When updating a shipment changes, associated entities may be updated, which will not be saved. Saving action must be performed via the order method: \Bitrix\Sale\Order::save()
. Additionally, calling \Bitrix\Sale\Basket::save()
will generate error E_WARNING
Creating a shopping cart
$siteId = 's1'; // site ID with associated shopping cart $basket = \Bitrix\Sale\Basket::create($siteId);
Getting a shopping cart
- shopping cart not associated with an order:
/* * $fuser - user ID * $siteId - site ID with associated shopping cart */ $basket = \Bitrix\Sale\Basket::loadItemsForFUser($fuser, $siteId);
- shopping cart, associated with an order:
/* * $orderId - order id */ $order = \Bitrix\Sale\Order::load($orderId); $basket = $order->getBasket();
- getting list of products:
Additionally to objects, you can directly query the database using the method
.Method always returns object
, to retrieve data via the methodfetch()
.Parameter Description Available from version $parameters Array with structure fully matching ORM's getList. // getting list of products for current user $dbRes = \Bitrix\Sale\Basket::getList([ 'select' => ['NAME', 'QUANTITY'], 'filter' => [ '=FUSER_ID' => \Bitrix\Sale\Fuser::getId(), '=ORDER_ID' => null, '=LID' => \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getSite(), '=CAN_BUY' => 'Y', ] ]); while ($item = $dbRes->fetch()) { var_dump($item); }
Adding a shopping cart position
- Variant 1:
/* * $basket - object of class \Bitrix\Sale\Basket */ $basketItem = $basket->createItem($moduleId, $productId); $basketItem->setField('QUANTITY', 4);
- Variant 2:
$basketItem = \Bitrix\Sale\BasketItem::create($basket, $moduleId, $productId); $basketItem->setField('QUANTITY', 4); $basket->addItem($basketItem);
Getting a position
- by ID:
$basketItem = $basket->getItemById($id);
- by basketCode:
$basketItem = $basket->getItemByBasketCode($itemCode);
- item code. To get the code:$basketItem->getBasketCode();
. - by internal index:
$basketItem = $basket->getItemByIndex($index);
Updating a position
You can update both individual field and group of fields:
- Updating a separate field:
- When shopping cart is not associated with an order:
$basket = Sale\Basket::loadItemsForFUser($fuser, $siteId); $basketItem = $basket->getItemById($basketItemId); if ($basketItem) { $basketItem->setField('FIELD_NAME', $value); } $basket->save();
- When shopping cart is associated with order:
$order = \Bitrix\Sale\Order::load(123); $basket = $order->getBasket(); $basketItem = $basket->getItemById(1); if ($basketItem) { $basketItem->setField('FIELD_NAME', $value); } $order->save();
- When shopping cart is not associated with an order:
- Updating a group of fields:
- When shopping cart is not associate with an order:
$basket = Sale\Basket::loadItemsForFUser($fuser, $siteId); $basketItem = $basket->getItemById($basketItemId); if ($basketItem) { $basketItem->setFields([ 'FIELD_NAME_1' => $value, ... 'FIELD_NAME_2' => $value, ]); } $basket->save();
- When shopping cart is associated to an order:
$order = \Bitrix\Sale\Order::load(123); $basket = $order->getBasket(); $basketItem = $basket->getItemById(1); if ($basketItem) { $basketItem->setFields([ 'FIELD_NAME_1' => $value, ... 'FIELD_NAME_2' => $value, ]); } $order->save();
- When shopping cart is not associate with an order:
List of fields, available for update:
"NAME", // product name "LID", // site used for purchase "SORT", // sorting "PRODUCT_ID", // product ID "BASE_PRICE", // price without discounts and extra charges "PRICE", // price with discounts and extra charges "DISCOUNT_PRICE", // discount "CURRENCY", // Currency "CUSTOM_PRICE", // flag(Y/N): custom price "QUANTITY", // amount "WEIGHT", // weight "DIMENSIONS", // dimensions "MEASURE_CODE", // unit of measurement ID "DELAY", // Flag "product reserved" (Y/N) "CAN_BUY", // Flag "product available for purchase" (Y/N) "NOTES", // Additional notes "VAT_RATE", // VAT rate "VAT_INCLUDED", // flag(Y/N): disable/enable tax "BARCODE_MULTI", // flag(Y/N): unique barcode "SUBSCRIBE", // flag(Y/N): product subscription "PRODUCT_PROVIDER_CLASS", // provider class name "TYPE", // product type "XML_ID" // external ID
Getting shopping cart weight
Getting shopping cart price :
- without discounts and extra charges
- with discounts and extra charges
- When shopping cart is associated with order:
$price = $basket->getPrice();
- When shopping cart is not associated with order (applicable discounts are not stored until the order is created):
/* * $fuser - user ID * $siteId - site ID, with associated shopping cart */ $basket = \Bitrix\Sale\Basket::loadItemsForFUser($fuser, $siteId); // $basket - object of class \Bitrix\Sale\Basket $context = new \Bitrix\Sale\Discount\Context\Fuser($basket->getFUserId()); $discounts = \Bitrix\Sale\Discount::buildFromBasket($basket, $context); $r = $discounts->calculate(); if (!$r->isSuccess()) { var_dump($r->getErrorMessages()); } $result = $discounts->getApplyResult(); if (isset($result['BASKET_ITEMS'])) { $r = $basket->applyDiscount($result['BASKET_ITEMS']); if (!$r->isSuccess()) { var_dump($r->getErrorMessages()); } }
- When shopping cart is associated with order:
Updating shopping cart with provider data
Setting a product custom price
// load the order $order = \Bitrix\Sale\Order::load($ID); // get a shopping cart $basket = $order->getBasket(); foreach ($basket as $basketItem) { if ((int)$basketItem->getProductId() === 120) { $basketItem->setField('CUSTOM_PRICE', 'Y'); $basketItem->setField('PRICE', 100); } } $r = $order->save(); if (!$r->isSuccess()) { var_dump($r->getErrorMessages()); }
Deleting a shopping cart item
- When shopping cart is associated with an order:
$order = \Bitrix\Sale\Order::load(123); $basket = $order->getBasket(); $basketItem = $basket->getItemById(1); if ($basketItem) { $basketItem->delete(); } $r = $order->save(); if (!$r->isSuccess()) { var_dump($r->getErrorMessages()); }
- When shopping cart is not associated with an order:
$basket = Sale\Basket::loadItemsForFUser($fuser, SITE_ID); $basketItem = $basket->getItemById($basketItemId); $result = $basketItem->delete(); if ($result->isSuccess()) { $basket->save(); }