Views: 484
Last Modified: 24.05.2024

  Preparing site for the Transformer role

File converter role File converter executes document and video file conversion for purposes of viewing inside Drive, Feed and Tasks posts and comments, as well as generates template-based documents in CRM.

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is available only in the full version of VMBitrix 7.5.0 and higher.

For the File converter server role to work correctly, you must have the following installed on your Bitrix24 account:

  • "File converter" (transformer) module version 20.100.0 and above.
  • "File conversion server" (transformercontroller) module version 20.100.0 and above.
Attention! "File conversion server" (transformercontroller) module is available only in Bitrix24 On-premise Enterprise edition.

After the modules have been installed, they will have the configuration:

  • "File conversion server" (transformercontroller) – all tabs will be empty and Status will contain:

  • "File converter" (transformer):

Altogether, these module do not require manual setup: new role, when activated in VMBitrix 7.5, will configure all the required options for your site.

  Launching Transformer role

  1. Launch the job for setting up the Transformer role in the Virtual appliance main menu: 11. Configure Transformer service – 1. Configure Transformer service and enter site name (in this example: vm1.local):

    Note: You can find more details on the launched Transformer role in the VMBitrix learning course.

  2. Upon finishing the job, the File converter (transformer) will write site URLs inside the fields File convert API URL and Website public address (in this example vm1.local):

    Also, the module File conversion server (transformercontroller) will have all the necessary settings:

    • General tab will contain Process conversion requests only from these URLs (comma separated; leave empty to skip URL check):

    • The tab RabbitMQ settings configures settings applicable to all fields .
    • The tab Status tab must have all statuses as "active" in green color.
  3. Next, inside the Drive module settings control panel, set (Settings – System settings – Module settings – Drive) the option View documents using: .

All is set. The settings for a local element conversion server for a specific site have been configured.

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