Views: 6946
Last Modified: 07.07.2023
Attention! Telephony operates with active license only. Also, SIP connector licenses and telephony payment are associated with the license number. Upon license upgrading or downgrading, old connections will become unavailable.

Prior to changing your product's edition license, disable rented or associated numbers or PBXs.

Browser support

Telephony in Bitrix24 is implemented via the WebRTC technology that allows make/receive calls directly from web browser. This technology is supported by the browsers in versions not lower than: Google Chrome v29, Mozilla Firefox v27, Opera v18. (Unfortunately, Internet Explorer doesn't support WebRTC.)

Due to various browsers that depend on developer updates, IP-telephony stable operation is guaranteed only in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Opera browser operation is unstable depending on browser versions.

Bitrix24 On-premise call restriction on websites without SSL certificate

Local network setup

Telephony use requires a correct local network setup from which calls originate. Each type of calls has custom settings requirements, indicated on pages with description of a specific method. However, some general requirements exist as well. For correct operation, specific ports and addresses must be opened both-ways in your network.

Attention! Portion of addresses required to be opened are assigned Voximplant operator. These addresses are subject to change. When experiencing connection issues, It's recommended for account administrators to check status of your opened ports in your network.
  • URL: http://< your_domain >/bitrix/tools/voximplant/receiver.php (prior to version 17.0.7 the file was called - http://< your_domain >/services/telephony/info_receiver.php). Because telephony provider IP addresses are subject to change, this page should not have any access limitations However, when security policy require limits, minimal access to this page must be granted from the following IP:
  • ports: 443 TCP, 1935 TCP, 5060 UDP, 5060 TCP, 1935 UDP, 3478 UDP, 8000-48000 UDP, 12093 TCP/UDP and 12092 TCP/UDP.
  • addresses:
    Address requirements from Voximplant company:

Note: These requirements are applicable to firewalls and anti-viruses.

Technical specifics for Bitrix24 On-premise:

  1. Bitrix24 Telephony setup is performed after installation and setup of the Telephony (voximplant) module.
  2. For correct telephony operation, agents must be configured for cron, and not for hits.
    Specific issue with launching agents at cron for telephony is the following: launch frequency is not less than 1 (once) per 2 (two) minutes; it's recommended to launch each minute.
  3. Telephony is associated with a key. That's why if an operational instance works jointly with Development only instance with installed Telephony module, it can lead to errors during calls - License check error on incoming call,
    - Call can be forwarded to the Development only instance,
    - During a call made to operational instance it may be refused with error in the log "Config isn't found for number: reg12345",
    . It's recommended to delete Telephony module on the Development only instances.
  4. Telephony operation (mobile, browser, and desktop client telephony) requires up-to-date time set at the operation system. Administrator checks if time sync is enabled in OS user settings or synchronizes local time server.
  5. When administrator encounters cases when an account doesn't maintains call history, he/she must check NGINX server settings at the site or balancer. Usually, these are cases when connection proxy_ignore_client_abort on; is missing. This setting must be enabled for specific location.


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