Views: 991
Last Modified: 02.09.2024

To install Bitrix24 product, it is necessary:

  1. Open browser and enter bitrix url to the URL line. Welcome page with installation options will open:

  2. Choose one of the options to continue with installation:

    • Install - launches the installation wizard that allows downloading and installing a new site via Bitrix24 product tools. Steps in this option are similar to the steps, reviewed in the Product installation via BitrixSetup chapter (Installation using BitrixSetup).

    • Restore Copy - launches the installation wizard that allows migrating an existing project (restored from backup copy). Steps of this options are similar to the steps, reviewed in the Product transfer chapter (Bitrix24 Self-hosted).

  • Download the script BitrixSetup and place it into the site root folder using one of the following methods:
    Default site root folder is located at /home/bitrix/www/.

    In case of several available sites - each site will have its own root folder. For example: /home/bitrix/www/s1 and /home/bitrix/www/s2.

    This example uses a single default site.
    • Proceed by downloading the script BitrixSetup.php. Connect to Virtual Appliance using SSH / SFTP protocol under the bitrix user and place the downloaded bitrixsetup.php file.
    • Use the 'wget' command in the console. Set of commands will be different depending on your user at the server:
      • For root user, execute the set of commands:
        cd /home/bitrix/www/ // go to the site root folder
        wget // download script
        chown bitrix:bitrix bitrixsetup.php // change file owner to bitrix user
      • Use bitrix user to enter the directory /home/bitrix/www/ and execute the 'wget' command:

        cd /home/bitrix/www/ // go to the site root folder
        wget // download the script
    • Add /bitrixsetup.php in the browser URL line. The result will be something as follows: Window with Bitrix24 software options will open and you can select the version you require:

  • Courses developed by Bitrix24