Views: 8729
Last Modified: 12.09.2014
  • The method generates JavaScript which opens a URL in a pop-up window:
    	"URL"=> "URL of the page to be opened in a pop-up window",
    	"PARAMS" => Array(
    		"wight" => 780,
    		"height" => 570,
    		"resizable" => true,
    		"min_wight" => 780,
    		"min_height" => 400
  • The method generates element control and infoblock section buttons:
    	$IBLOCK_ID = 0, //infoblock ID
    	$ELEMENT_ID = 0, //infoblock element ID
    	$SECTION_ID = 0, //infoblock section ID
    	$arOptions = Array(
    		"SECTION_BUTTONS" => true, //generate buttons for control of sections
    		"SESSID" => false, //add a link into the authorized token
    		"RETURN_URL" => "",
    		"LABELS" => Array() //button labels; by default they are taken from infoblock settings

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