Views: 11198
Last Modified: 19.09.2014

Let us consider an example of a component creation for messages to the administrator about an error.

Using this component we can implement a functionality that would permit users to notify content managers about errors found on a website. The error will be sent as an email notice. User’s work algorithm with the component is very simple: on seeing an error on the website, the user highlights the text, presses Ctrl+Enter , and obtains the form:

The user has to complete the form, and the message is sent to a responsible person.

Creating a Mail Template

Since an error notice will be sent by email, a new email template must be created.

  • Go to the page Settings > System settings > Email Events > Email event types.
  • Complete the form:

  • Go to the page Settings > System settings > Email Events >E-Mail templates.
  • Click Add template on the context panel to open template setup form.
  • Set up a template for the email event created:

Component Creation

Create a folder feedback.error in an own namespace with the following structure:

  • folder images
    • file feedback.gif
  • folder templates
    • folder .default
      • file script.js
      • file template.php
  • file .description.php
  • file .parameters.php
  • file component.php

The file feedback.gif is the icon that will be shown in the visual editor.

The code of the script.js file is as follows:

BX.bind(document, "keypress", SendError);

function SendError(event, formElem)
		event = event || window.event;

		if((event.ctrlKey) && ((event.keyCode == 0xA)||(event.keyCode == 0xD)))
			var Dialog = new BX.CDialog({
								title: "An error is found on the website!!",
								head: "Error description",
								content: 	'<form method="POST" id="help_form">\
											<textarea name="error_desc" style="height: 78px; width: 374px;"></textarea>\
											<input type="hidden" name="error_message"value="'+getSelectedText()+'">\
											<input type="hidden" name="error_url" value="'+window.location+'">\
											<input type="hidden" name="error_referer" value="'+document.referrer+'">\
											<input type="hidden" name="error_useragent" value="'+navigator.userAgent+'">\
											<input type="hidden" name="sessid" value="'+BX.bitrix_sessid()+'"></form>',
								resizable: false,
								height: '198',
								width: '400'});

                'title': 'Send',
				'id': 'action_send',
				'name': 'action_send',
                'action': function(){
                'title': 'Cancel',
				'id': 'cancel',
				'name': 'cancel',
                'action': function(){
function getSelectedText(){
  if (window.getSelection){
    txt = window.getSelection();
  else if (document.getSelection) {
    txt = document.getSelection();
  else if (document.selection){
    txt = document.selection.createRange().text;
  else return;
  return txt;

The code of the template.php file is as follows:

CUtil::InitJSCore(array('window', 'ajax'));

The code of the .description.php file is as follows:

if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true) die();

$arComponentDescription = array(
    "NAME" => "Send Error",
    "DESCRIPTION" => "Send Error",
    "ICON" => "/images/feedback.gif",
    "PATH" => array(
        "ID" => "utility",

The code of the .parameters.php file is as follows:

if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();

$arComponentParameters = array();

The code of the component.php file is as follows:

if (check_bitrix_sessid() && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" && !empty($_REQUEST["error_message"]) && !empty($_REQUEST["error_url"]))
	$arMailFields = Array();
	$arMailFields["ERROR_MESSAGE"] = trim ($_REQUEST["error_message"]);
	$arMailFields["ERROR_DESCRIPTION"] = trim ($_REQUEST["error_url"]);
	$arMailFields["ERROR_URL"] = $_REQUEST["error_desc"];
	$arMailFields["ERROR_REFERER"] = $_REQUEST["error_referer"];
	$arMailFields["ERROR_USERAGENT"] = $_REQUEST["error_useragent"];

	CEvent::Send("BX", SITE_ID, $arMailFields);

Now let us take a closer look at the contents of the file feedback.error\templates\.default\script.js which is of interest for developers.

Declaration of the handler function that is displayed onto the <body>:

function SendError(event, formElem)

Ctrl+Enter wait:

if((event.ctrlKey) && ((event.keyCode == 0xA)||(event.keyCode == 0xD)))

Setting up the parameters of a new window and its contents:

var Dialog = new BX.CDialog({
            title: "An error is found on the website!!",
            head: "Error description",
            content:    '<form method="POST" id="help_form" action="/bitrix/templates/.default/send_error.php">\
                                 <textarea name="error_desc" style="height: 78px; width: 374px;"></textarea>\
                                 <input type="hidden" name="error_message"value="'+getSelectedText()+'">\
                                 <input type="hidden" name="error_url" value="'+window.location+'">\
                                 <input type="hidden" name="sessid" value="'+BX.bitrix_sessid()+'"></form>',
            resizable: false,
            height: '198',
            width: '400'});

Determining a set of buttons:

   'title': 'Send',
   'id': 'action_send',
   'name': 'action_send',
   'action': function(){
   'title': 'Cancel',
   'id': 'cancel',
   'name': 'cancel',
   'action': function(){

Window opening:


The function getSelectedText() receives the text marked with the mouse. And then the letter is sent in the text of the file component.php:

if (check_bitrix_sessid() && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" && !empty($_REQUEST["error_message"]) && !empty($_REQUEST["error_url"]))
   $arMailFields = Array();
   $arMailFields["ERROR_MESSAGE"] = trim ($_REQUEST["error_message"]);
   $arMailFields["ERROR_DESCRIPTION"] = trim ($_REQUEST["error_desc"]);
   $arMailFields["ERROR_URL"] = trim ($_REQUEST["error_url"]);
   CEvent::Send("BX", SITE_ID, $arMailFields);

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