Views: 10110
Last Modified: 12.08.2014

Sometimes during developing, it’s necessary to change some words or phrases in the system components or modules.

The main aim of this technology is to allow the developer to modify language phrases after connecting with the language file. A list of changes is kept in the file: /bitrix/php_interface/user_lang/<language_code>/lang.php

In this file, the elements of the array $MESS must be determined as $MESS['language file']['code of the phrase'] = 'new phrase'', for example:

$MESS["/bitrix/components/bitrix/system.auth.form/templates/.default/lang/en/template.php"]["AUTH_PROFILE"] = "My Profile";
$MESS["/bitrix/modules/main/lang/en/public/top_panel.php"]['top_panel_tab_view'] = "View";
$MESS["/bitrix/modules/main/lang/en/interface/index.php"]['admin_index_sec'] = "Pro+Pro";

The first line changes the text of the link in the authorization form component; the second line changes the name of the tab of the public panel; and the third line changes the line for index page of the control panel.

Theoretically, there can be problems with maintenance of this file, if the code of the phrase or arrangement of the files are changed, but in practice we try not to do that, because it will be additional work for localizers.

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