Views: 3029
Last Modified: 24.05.2022

You can supplement the standard set of restrictions with your own. To do that, use the restriction initializing events as you see fit:

  • for delivery services onSaleDeliveryRestrictionsClassNamesBuildList:
  • for payment systems onSalePaySystemRestrictionsClassNamesBuildList:
  • for cash registers onSaleCashboxRestrictionsClassNamesBuildList:
  • for companies onSaleCompanyRulesClassNamesBuildList:

Accordingly, you need to return your restriction class in the event handlers:

  • for delivery services:
    function myDeliveryFunction()
        return new \Bitrix\Main\EventResult(
                '\MyDeliveryRestriction' => '/bitrix/php_interface/include/mydelrestriction.php',
  • for payment systems:
    function myPayFunction()
        return new \Bitrix\Main\EventResult(
                '\MyPayRestriction' => '/bitrix/php_interface/include/mypayrestriction.php',
  • for cash registers:
    function myCashboxFunction()
        return new \Bitrix\Main\EventResult(
                '\MyCashboxRestriction' => '/bitrix/php_interface/include/mycashboxrestriction.php',
  • for companies:
    function myCompanyFunction()
        return new \Bitrix\Main\EventResult(
                '\MyCompanyRestriction' => '/bitrix/php_interface/include/mycompanyrestriction.php',

Next, by describing the restriction, you can introduce any rules of your choice. A restriction for delivery service availability on lunar days only is introduced in the example below:

use Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Restrictions;
use Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Entity;

class MyDeliveryRestriction extends Restrictions\Base
    public static function getClassTitle()
        return 'on lunar days';

    public static function getClassDescription()
        return 'delivery will be performed only within the indicated range of lunar days';

public static function check($moonday, array $restrictionParams, $deliveryId = 0)
    if ($moonday < $restrictionParams['MIN_MOONDAY']
        || $moonday > $restrictionParams['MAX_MOONDAY'])
        return false;

    return true;
protected static function extractParams(Entity $shipment)
    $json = file_get_contents('');
    $res = json_decode($json, true);
    return !empty($res['moonday']) ? intval($res['moonday']) : 0;
public static function getParamsStructure($entityId = 0)
        return array(
            "MIN_MOONDAY" => array(
                'TYPE' => 'NUMBER',
                'DEFAULT' => "1",
                'LABEL' => 'Minimum days'
            "MAX_MOONDAY" => array(
                'TYPE' => 'NUMBER',
                'DEFAULT' => "30",
                'LABEL' => 'Maximum days'

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