Views: 3770
Last Modified: 29.03.2022

The method save is used for registering object updates in the database:

$book = \Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography\BookTable::getByPrimary(1)

$book->setTitle("New title");


Note: if you copy this example and attempt to execute it with a test entity from the namespace Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography, due to specifics of test data you will get an SQL error. You will see, however, that a portion of the query with test data is built correctly.

From the moment of saving, all current object values are converted into actual values:

$book = \Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography\BookTable::getByPrimary(1)

echo $book->remindActualTitle();
// prints "Title 1"

$book->setTitle("New title");

echo $book->remindActualTitle();
// prints "Title 1"


echo $book->remindActualTitle();
// prints "New title"

Regarding the new objects, there are two aprroaches for creating them. The most readable approach - directly via instantiation:

$newBook = new \Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography\Book;
$newBook->setTitle('New title');

$newAuthor = new \Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography\EO_Author;
$newAuthor->setName('Some name');

The method operates with both standard EO_ classes and re-defined classes. Even if you initially used EO_ class, and then decided to create your own class, you won't have to re-write an existing code - backward compatibility will be saved automatically. System class with prefix EO_ becomes an "alias" to your class.

More universal and applicable method to create new object, is to use entity's factory:

$newBook = \Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography\BookTable::createObject();
$newBook->setTitle('New title');

By design, new object sets all default values, described in the getMap "mapping". You can get a completely clean object by passing a corresponding argument in constructor:

$newBook = new \Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography\Book(false);
$newBook = \Bitrix\Main\Test\Typography\BookTable::createObject(false);

Value status changes similarly as during editing. Before saving the object value is deemed as current, after saving in the database, it's status becomes as the actual.

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