Views: 3201
Last Modified: 25.01.2022

  Merging in groups

In case of similar attributes for several routes, it's recommended to merge them into groups:

$routes->group(function (RoutingConfigurator $routes) {
    $routes->get('/path1, function () {});
    $routes->get('/path2, function () {});
    $routes->get('/path3, function () {});

Merging itself doesn't affect the system behaviour and is useful in case of shared attributes: parameters, prefix or name, that will be overviewed below.

  Group parameters

When several routes have a shared parameter, it makes sense to move it up to a group level. This will allow avoid describing this parameter separately for each route:

    ->where('serviceCode', '[a-z0-9]+')
    ->group(function (RoutingConfigurator $routes) {
        $routes->get('/{serviceCode}/info', [ServicesController::class, 'info']);
        $routes->get('/{serviceCode}/stats', [ServicesController::class, 'stats']);

  Group prefix

If the address start matches for several routes, move it as general for the group:

$routes->prefix('about')->group(function (RoutingConfigurator $routes) {
    $routes->get('company', function () {});
    $routes->get('personal', function () {});
    $routes->get('contact', function () {});

The example above shows route addresses as /about/company, /about/personal and /about/contact, to avoid duplicating the general portion.

  Group name

General portion of route name is generated in the similar manner as the prefix:

    ->group(function (RoutingConfigurator $routes) {
        $routes->name('company')->get('company', function () {});
        $routes->name('personal')->get('personal', function () {});
        $routes->name('contact')->get('contact', function () {});

The example above shows route names as about_company, about_personal and about_contact.

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