Views: 37084
Last Modified: 31.01.2025

Creating backup

A special backup feature may be used to move the site to a remote server (or from a remote server to a local computer).

Please note: The backup feature may only be used for an MySQL database.

Before moving the site from a local computer to a remote hosting or from one remote hosting to another using the incorporated backup function and special script restore.php, it is necessary to do the following:

  • Verify that:
    • The remote hosting meets the minimal technical specifications of the product;
    • The user under which Apache (PHP) operates has the rights of at least (0644 – for files and 0744 for folders) for all files in the site root.
  • If an active license is available, it is strongly recommended that the existing product copy be updated to the latest version.

The next step is the creation of a site archive. The archive may be created on the Backup page (Settings > Tools > Backup > Create Backup).

After that, you may proceed with the actual site moving. Please follow the steps indicated below:

  • Download the file containing the archive to the site root directory on a remote server or on a local computer depending on where you moving the site to and from. If the source site is available on the Internet, it is recommended for the archive to be downloaded from a remote server. In this case, all parts of the archive are downloaded automatically. In case of moving from a local computer to a hosting all parts have to be brought together using restore.php.

    Important: if the archive file contains complete site copy (both the kernel and a public part), there is no need to install Bitrix system on the server.

  • Download the restore.php script available through the link provided in the reference at the bottom of the page with backup list. Upload the script to the site root on the server. Back-ups (Settings > Tools > Backup > View Existing Backups), or using wget wget -b . Download the script to server into site root.
  • Note: This link contains a script that corresponds to your installation package version. The latest version of the script is available on our site.

  • Please type in the address bar: http://your_site/restore.php. Press Continue.

  • Please choose the required option of the archive file location in the dialog window that opens and click Continue.

  • Note: The options Archive is stored in document root folder and Archive is already extracted will appear when the archive has been copied or extracted to the site root, accordingly.

    Note: If the site archive was located in the client’s cloud, please choose the option Download from remote server and indicate the path to the archive:

    If the site archive was located in Bitrix Cloud, please select the option Restore the backup from Bitrix Cloud and enter your active license key:

  • After the archive is downloaded, you will be requested to enter a password (if the archive was protected at the backup stage) in order to extract the files.
  • After the files are extracted, the database connection settings must be established if a database dump was created during the preparation of the backup copy.

    Please indicate the required settings, click Restore and wait for the script to complete its operation.
  • Once extraction is successfully completed, click Delete archive and temporary scripts in the opened dialog box:

    The following files will be deleted to prevent damage to the site or information leak:
    • /restore.php
    • /backup file (file with an extension of .tar.gz or .enc)
    • /bitrix/backup/database dump (file with the extension .sql).
    After that, you will be automatically redirected to a public section of the recovered site.

Special considerations:
  • If IIS is used as a web server, please be advised that the web.config file is also archived. You have to delete the extracted web.config file. Your server will create a new customized file.
  • After migration, numerical control may become inoperable. In this case, .htaccess.restore has to be renamed .htaccess.

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