Views: 13650
Last Modified: 08.07.2020
If you installed Bitrix24 on Bitrix Web Environment 1.х with a version of PHP earlier than 5.2.6, an error might occur due to the absence of the library php_zip.dll in these installation packages. In this case, the following message appears:
Attention: The zip_open function is not found. It is possible that the zip extension has not been loaded.
This error indicates that the system will not index files of MS Office 2007 or OpenOffice.
Note: In Bitrix Web Environment version 2.0 the library php_zip.dll is already enabled.
In order to eliminate the error, please proceed as follows:
- Download the library php_zip.dll from the Internet.
- Place it into the folder
X:\<path_to_folder>\Bitrix Environment\apache\extensions
, where X:\<path_to_folder>
- is a path to the folder where Bitrix Web Environment is installed.
- Open the file
X:\<path_to_folder>\Bitrix Environment\apache\php.ini.nooci
for editing.
In the section Dynamic Extensions of this file, add the line extension=php_zip.dll
in the general list of all extensions. Save the changes made.
- Restart Bitrix Web Environment. The error will be eliminated.