Views: 5997
Last Modified: 07.07.2020
Options for expanding system features |
Bitrix24 product features can be supplemented by using various applications from Bitrix24 Marketplace catalog when standard methods aren't not enough to solve the required objectives.

By using Marketplace applications you can easily add unavailable product features. You can view free/commercial as well as recommended/discounted apps in the Marketplace catalog listed inside the Bitrix24 portal admin section (Marketplace > Solutions via icons with app names.
Please be advised that listed apps are created by Bitrix24 Partners and not by the Bitrix24 vendor.
Attention! Bitrix24 is not liable for software solutions developed by third party developers. Please contact the respective developers for all questions regarding third-party solution operational issues, as well as site stability issues caused by incorrectly operating third-party solutions.
Installation of new applications is quick and doesn't require additional knowledge or skills.
Attention! All solutions from
Marketplace are installed only oni>Bitrix24 Self-hosted instances with active updates period (with active licence). You can check status of your licence key in the
Platform Updates menu of your account's Control Panel or at the Bitrix24