Views: 26833
Last Modified: 13.10.2021

The Extranet in Bitrix24 lets outside users, like contractors, clients or business partners have limited access to you intranet for the purpose of mutual collaboration, discussions and content sharing inside limited boundaries of extranet workgroups.

When you create extranet groups and invite external users, your employees and extranet users are able to participate in discussions, share files, create tasks, post messages and perform other collaborative activities inside that extranet group. Even though tools available to external users are very similar to the ones that intranet users work with, there are several important distinctions and limitations:

Tool IntranetExtranet Notes
Viewing user profiles + + Extranet users see profile information, drive, tasks and conversations only.
Activity stream + + Extranet users have access to all activity stream features except badges and calendar events.
Tasks + + Extranet users can create tasks for those who are in his or her Employee/Contact list. Inside extranet workgroups, tasks created can involve only members of those groups.
Calendar +
My Drive + + Extranet users can set access rights for their files and folders but they can not make their folders ‘shared’.
Company Drive +
Mail +
Conversations + + Extranet users can address posts and messages to those who are in their Employee/Contact list or to the entire extranet workgroup only.
Business processes +
Photo + Extranet users can access photos inside their workgroups only.
Workgroups +
Extranet workgroups + + Extranet users have full access to the contents of the extranet workgroups they are members of without any restrictions, unless access rights within the particular workgroup have been set otherwise.

Tools available inside extranet workgroups include Drive, Tasks, Photo, Calendar, Conversations, Lists, and Wiki.
Employees + + Extranet users see only employees who are part of the same extranet workgroups as they are.
Contacts + Extranet users see only external users who are part of the same extranet workgroups as they are.
Company structure +
Worktime +
Lists + Extranet users are able access Lists inside their extranet workgroups only.
Meetings and briefings +
Absence chart +
Notification settings + +
IM/Chat/Audio&Video calls + + Extranet users can contact those who are in their Employee/Contact list. Audio&video call availability depends on browser used and browser and web camera settings enabled/disabled.
Telephony +
Bitrix24.Network + +
Mobile apps + +
Desktop app + +

In the Bitrix24 On-premise, it is possible to set up 'content' pages in the extranet which are accessible to all extranet users of all groups. Such pages could include things like a document library for downloads, web forms, or other static or dynamic information.


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