Views: 6815
Last Modified: 17.08.2021

  What is a module?

Bitrix24 products have a modular structure.

Module - is a significant portion of software code, responsible for specific features. Each module is responsible for managing certain elements and parameters of a Bitrix24 account: data structure and content, forums, advertisements, email campaigns, access permission distribution between user groups, visit statistics, effectiveness rating for individual ads and ad campaigns, etc.
Full list of Bitrix24 product features (license or commercial subscription) is defined by the set of available modules. You can find what is available for your Bitrix24 edition here.

In general, system modules operate independently from each other. However, some module features are based on each other and are interdependent. For example:

  • Catalog module expands capabilities of Iblock module, allowing to configure product price settings depending on various conditions, as well as apply extra charges and discounts to products, etc.

  List of modules

List of employed modules is displayed at the Module Management page (Settings > System Settings > Modules) in the system's Control Panel:

Table contains name and description of modules, most recent update data and version information as well as current status in the system:

  • Installed – module and its elements available for use. When a specific modules is not used, it can be deleted to preserve disk space. Module distribution package remains within the system, and it can be installed at any time.

    When uninstalling certain modules, the system offers to save data (module tables), accumulated by the module. If you are planning to use this data in the future, select a corresponding option when deleting the module.
  • Not installed – module is not available for use within the system.

  Module features

Installed modules features is visible in the corresponding section of Control panel Bitrix Framework administrative Control Panel is logically comprised of sections providing access to system features.

For some modules, menu data is loaded dynamically. For example:

  • module Information Blocks dynamically loads list of iblock types;
  • for module Web forms dynamically loads webform list;
  • for module Fileman dynamically loads file structure.

Depending on available system modules access permissions, not all specific module features can be accessed. Managing level of access permission rights Setting up access permissions to system modules allows determining the range of available user actions
for a module and its contents.

Module parameter settings

for users to access system modules is performed separately for each module at its settings page.

  Module settings

Module settings page has a selection tabs and fields, depending on module features. It can be accessed via several ways:

  • using the administrative menu: Settings > System settings > Module Settings > module_name;
  • using the Settings button, located on the Control Panel. Use this button to go to module settings, which pages are currently opened for browsing.

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