Views: 4936
Last Modified: 09.09.2021

Creating field for Skype

Assume we want to add a Skype address to the user registration information. This field belongs to the USER entity of the Main module.

On the new user property field (Setings > Manage Users > User list > Add user) switch to Additional tab and click on the Add user property to bring up the New field form:

Fill in the required fields:

  • Data type - Skype address is best represented by a String value.
  • Field ID - enter UF_SKYPE (as you see in the form, user custom fields has to start with UF_).
  • To enable users find each other by their Skype address, select the Include field values in search option.
  • In the Language Settings section, enter the field name as it will be seen in the forms: Skype.

Save the changes.

Then, browse back to the new user form and click the gear icon. In the menu, select Settings to open Customize Form Appearance.

Now, configure the form. Select Personal Information in the list on the right. In the Available Fields list, select Skype and click the button ">" to add it to the fields visible on the form.

Select the option Set these settings for all users by default and click Save.

Now the new field will be visible when adding or editing a user:

The custom field shows a question mark icon beside it. Place the mouse pointer over the icon; you will see the pop-up link Modify you can use to edit the field.


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