Views: 4942
Last Modified: 09.09.2021

Creating new fields

Custom fields can be created manually in Control Panel or by calling the API functions Custom fields are handled by the class CUserTypeEntity...

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. To create a field manually, you can open the page Settings > System Settings > Custom fields if you precisely know the object type ID. The preferred and simpler way to create a field is by using the Add custom field link in the forms that allow adding custom fields, for example:

  • the user edit form;
  • the information block section edit form;
  • the blog edit form

Creating a custom field is quite straightforward, but there are a couple of points you have to keep in mind.

The option Read-only will prevent changing the value by a user or administrator. The values of read-only properties can only be set via the API. This option is used with system or critical fields that must not be changed manually.

When creating a custom field, the field value is set to use one of the existing data types. In most cases the stock data types are sufficient. You can create your own data type if so required.

The system offers the following stock data types:


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