Views: 2805
Last Modified: 14.07.2021


Attention: Starting from 10 March 2020 Twitter has updated its Developer Agreement. Now, a request and confirmation are required to get access to API - and only then you can start configuring your application.
  1. To get the Consumer key and Consumer secret, register a Twitter account via link


  2. After entering into the account twitter3.jpg for developers, create an application twitter4.png .
  3. When registering the app, indicate the path

    inside Callback URL field from the settings module.
  4. After the app is registered get the API key (Consumer key) and API secret key (Consumer secret) in the tab Keys and Tokens


  5. Modify Access Level to Read, Write and Access direct messages in the Permissions tab.
  6. Indicate the service-issued Consumer key and Consumer secret in the corresponding fields inside the settings

    of the Bitrix24 Social Website Integration module ( Settings > System Settings > Module Settings > Social Website Integration):

Note: With time, developers continually update social networks UI and settings interfaces.


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