Views: 4238
Last Modified: 13.10.2021

Workflow templates are used for quick and efficient workflow setup as per target objectives. Creating a template-based workflow not only updates the workflow layout, but also its individual parameters.

Workflow template is a sequence of steps (actions) from start to finish, executed in succession. Arranged in a required sequence, such steps (actions) ensure the desired result.

  Creating a template

Workflow design sequence consists of two stages:

  • first - indicating main template parameters To enter parameter settings, click Template parameters in visual editor.
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  • second - designing the template for running workflow.

First stage overview. Workflow template parameter setup is divided into several tabs specifying start parameters and workflow settings.


The tab General indicates the worklow title, description and automatic launch parameters. Workflow has two variants for automatic launch: when an element created and/or changed. When both flags are removed, the workflow can be launched only manually.


Parameters directly indicate values in special fields before launching a workflow. To create a parameter, click on the link Add parameter in the Parameters tab and complete fields :

  • ID - symbolic identifier for parameter;
  • Description - random parameter description;
  • Type - indicates data type for start parameter using drop-down list;
  • Required - checked option requires this parameter for launched workflow;
  • Multiple - checked option allows specifying several parameter values;
  • Default Value - depending on selected data type, indicates default parameter value.

    Note: for specific data types, the default value can be indicated using the button [...] with Insert value Both automatically assigned different variables and fields as well as manually inputted custom text in action parameters can be used when handling a workflow. Use special Insert Value form. form.

When created, the parameter is shown in general list .

  Variables and constants


Variables are used for temporary data storage, required for executed process. Variable parameters are stored while workflow is in progress. Upon completion they are all erased That's why, when a user-added variable must be saved (for example: a file), use Edit option. This option saves the variable value into preliminarily created additional element field of corresponding type (e. x., file). .

Constants / Global constants

Constants are needed for data storage, which cannot be modified during workflow execution. Such values are configured before running the workflow. Constants are added via link Add constant at the corresponding tab. Opens the new constant tab . Indicate the value for running workflow in the field Constant value.

Global constants are assigned to all workflows. Created in a similar manner to Constants.

  Access permission

Access tab indicates initial level of access permissions which are set for element upon launch. The access level is specified both directly and via variables.

Specifics for access permissions assignment in the system

When element uses simplified Simple access settings mode for iblock when Extended permission management is disabled and section User Group Permissions lists all available user groups. (legacy) access version, they are set from external sources (access settings to iblocks/lists and etc.). The only variant is assigning access permissions externally from workflow. In this case, use Access tab or Set Permission actions to change permissions during process execution.

When using extended access permissions Extended permissions allows configuring AP to the complete iblock as well as to separate sections and elements. , you can add new access permissions to element remaining even after process is executed. You cannot re-define access permissions that were setup externally, inside the workflow.


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