Views: 4578
Last Modified: 22.10.2021


When handling an individual workflow, parameters for actions, templates and status configuration already have option to specify a custom text (inputted manually), as well as various variables (element fields and other non-manually inputted data). Use special Insert value form for this purpose.

  Form sections

  • Template parameters These parameters directly indicate values during workflow execution. - inserts template parameters. These parameters are specified for an individual template in the form available via Template parameters button at the workflow visual editor side panel. User enters the parameter value in the corresponding fields upon start of workflow.
  • Variables Variables are used for temporary data storage, necessary for executed process. - inserts custom variables that can be updated during workflow execution. Example: an extra numerical value, filled in by user during workflow execution.
  • Constants Constants are required for storage of data, which value must not change during this process execution. - insertion of preset unmodifiable constants during execution of workflow. Their value is specified in template parameters and the user without access to process editing cannot change their value.
  • Element fields - inserts values of an individual element field participating in the workflow. For example: Created on or Created by.
  • Additional results - inserts results for specific actions. Not all actions are actions provide additional results. The list shows all available results for all actions (if supported), added into the current process, if supported.
  • Users - inserts user or group of users, participating in the workflow. Several users/user groups can be selected. Also, the character ; can be used as separator.
  • User Categories - allows to indicate individual users, to be participating in the workflow. Including Department or Social network group.
Note: user can insert both individual and complete user groups, as well as social network groups Groups (projects) help to group all data, tasks, files, messages and meeting in a single location. You can always overview, which actions and tasks were executed in a specific group. . To do this, indicate groups that you want to be displayed in the form inside access permissions settings for process sections and elements Manage access permissions for workflow items and sections governs access permissions for handling process for both complete departments and groups and personally for individual users. . Any group moved to this tab will be shown in the list independently from assigned access permission level.

  Extra values

Additional values (unavailable directly from the form)

The next values are unavailable directly from the form, but can be inserted manually when designing workflow templates:

  • {=Workflow:ID} - workflow ID;
  • {=User:ID} - current user ID in the format user_[user_ID_in_system];
  • {=Template:TargetUser} - parameter contains user ID who launched workflow in the format user_[user_ID_in_system];
  • {=System:Now} - current date with server time;
  • {=System:NowLocal} - current date with customer time (hour zone accounted);
  • {=System:Date} - current date without time;
  • {=Document:DETAIL_PAGE_URL} - allows getting link to document detail view page, upon condition that iblock settings has correctly completed Details page URL.

  • Using several fields for contacts/companies (Bitrix24 Cloud)


This section describes how to use Insert value form to add various variables into action, template parameters and status settings. The next lesson overviews how to modify such data.


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