Views: 3609
Last Modified: 09.09.2021

Standard workflow templates are created automatically when installing Bitrix24 products. Below is the overview of how to create them, if due to some reasons standard processes were not already created upon installation.

  Actions to create templates

  • Lists (site public section)
    • go to the needed list at the corresponding Lists page (Services > Lists);
    • go to the list of workflows via the Business process button, located at the list view page;
    • use a corresponding link for creating workflow templates.

  • General drive
    • go to the Company drive page (Drive > Company drive);
    • go to the list of business processes via the Business Process item in the settings menu;
      Note: When menu doesn't have a Business process item, enable Note: Business processes cannot be enabled for personal documents in My drive. workflows for library, by selecting Configure business processes, and enable the Activate business processes button.
    • use corresponding link for creating workflow templates.

  • Iblocks (site admin section)
    • go to the iblock edit page (Content > Iblocks > Iblock types > [require_iblock]);
    • enable workflows support by checking the Used in Workflow or Business Process the option workflows ;
    • standard templates in the tab Business Process Templates is shown .
    • Note: List of templates can be directly accessed from the an individual iblock via the Business Process Templates button (when this iblock participates in business processes).

  • CRM (site public section, Bitrix24 Self-hosted)
    • go to the workflow section in CRM (CRM > Settings > Automation > Business processes);
    • go to the page with workflow template list for necessary entity via corresponding link ;
    • use corresponding link for creating workflow templates.

  • Company workflows (site public section, Bitrix24 On-premise)

    Standard templates are installed automatically jointly with Workflow module.

  Deleting standard workflow templates

To delete a workflow template, use the Delete action menu item.

Important: template for unfinished workflow cannot be deleted.


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