Views: 4512
Last Modified: 09.09.2021

Most frequently used workflows


Standard workflows - instances of frequently used processes, included into Bitrix24 Workflows module.

Standard workflows are included into the junior Bitrix24 editions as unalterable workflows. They can be configured to be handled by required users, but the element progress layout remains the same. Updating standard workflows templates, as well as creating custom template is available only via the Workflow Designer Workflow (Business process) designer, included in the advanced Bitrix24 editions is devised to create, layout and update the workflows. , available only in the Bitrix24 advanced editions You can find more details about module availability at the Bitrix24 Editions page for Bitrix24 On-premise. .

  Standard workflows for elements

  • Two-stage approval (sequential process)
It is recommended for situations when elements must be approved with preliminary expert evaluation. Within the process, element is approved at the first stage by an expert third party. If the element is not approved by such expert party, it is returned for further development.

If it is approved, the element is subjected to a simple vote by a group of users via simple majority of votes. If element is not approved at the second vote stage, it's returned to an author for development and the approval process is repeated.

  • Expert evaluation (sequential process)
It's recommended for situations, when a person granting an approval, requires an expert evaluation for an element. An expert group is assigned within a process, with each participant rendering an opinion in regards to the element. These opinions are transmitted to the person who grants approval or disapproves the element.
  • Element familiarization (sequential process)
Designed for situations when a group of employees must get familiarized with an element. Group of employees in question is specified within a business process. Grant comment access permission as well.
  • Simple approval/vote (sequential process)
It's recommended for situations, when a solution is required to be rendered via simple vote or a majority vote. This process includes list of necessary voting employees, with available option to post comments about votes. Upon finalized voting, all participants are informed about the voted solution.
  • Confirmation of element with statuses (workflow with statuses)
Element progress via approval chain with statuses.
  • Approval as per the first vote (sequential process)
It's recommended for situations when a single expert opinion from a expert community is required. This process includes a list of employees, having the access permission to render a decision with notification about initiated process. The process is deemed as complete upon the first responding employee.

Universal workflow for invoice payment (only for Bitrix24 On-premise)

  Company standard workflows

Company workflows are designed to automate company activities. There are 5 (five) standard workflows (business processes) are available by default:

  1. Cash withdrawal
  2. Outbound element
  3. Invoice
  4. Vacation request
  5. Business trip request

Administrator can modify and copy workflows. The Bitrix24 Cloud Standard and Professional editions allows administrator to create custom workflows.


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