Views: 4208
Last Modified: 12.10.2021

Various edit form commonalities: orders, bookings, banners, etc.

Each system element can be customized: a news item - edited, product description - updated, page SEO parameters changed, discount created, module parameters configured and etc. Edit form appears upon clicking on Modify . Despite the forms having different fields, volume of updated data, several general moments can be pinpointed for all forms. For example, let's overview an information block edit form:

Edit form common contents

1 - Context panel. Its contents can vary, depending on the form. However, all panels have a button that returns to list of elements.

2 - Tabs area. Edit forms can have a large number of customizable properties, that's why similar fields are collected into logical groups and are displayed as tabs. Usually, properties are grouped in a manner that first property pages (in a sequence from left to right) list the most used and the last pages - other, additional parameters. All form fields can be viewed in a single tab (or returning to tab mode) via triangle button next to the fields area.

Despite using tabs, field area can be significantly large, without fitting into a single screen. Use the pin button for convenience.

External form appearance can be configured as well: number of tabs and fields can be modified (such feature is not available for all edit forms) and rolled back by default via gear button .

3 - Field area. Displays fields for editing.

4 - Action panel.
Save: implemented changes are saved, form is closed.
Apply: changes are saved, form remains opened for further editing.
Save and add: changes are saved, edit form is closed and a new form for adding an element opens.


Despite the variety of edit forms, they share common attributes.

Edit forms are configured for specific work conditions.


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