Views: 5946
Last Modified: 13.10.2021

System administrator has access to any system feature, while Account Administrator access to features is limited.

System administrator must remember that system updates and adding new modules do not automatically install the modules. New modules must be installed individually (Settings > System Settings > Modules) and, in some cases, via account installation wizard (Settings > System Settings > Wizard list)

Attention! Some of the actions described in this section are applicable only if individual modules are unavailable at your installed Bitrix24 On-premise edition. This happens when Bitrix24 On-premise edition is upgraded and some modules are added or your existing instance wasn't updated for a long period of time.

Before the setup, ensure that:

  • the module you require is truly missing from the system;
  • pages that use components of this module weren't created;
  • these page components weren't configured.
  • no iblocks were created for this module.

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