Views: 10326
Last Modified: 29.05.2024

The example includes only one file implementing an application making REST API calls to show the current user's first and last names.

Download archive:

To install the local application, go to: Applications 1 - Developer resources 2 - Other 3 - Local application 4:

In the Add Application form, fill out the required fields and select the required permissions. For this example, you have to select the user management permission. Finally, upload the application archive file:

After you click Save, the application will be available in the Local Applications list in your Bitrix24.

Locate the application titled Full Name in the left menu (or in the More drop-down menu in the Applications area) and run it. The program will show the first and last names of the current user obtained via the REST API using the JS library. Since the static local application runs within the Bitrix24 user interface context, JS SDK automatically receives authorization level of the current user under whom the application is running.

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