Views: 11163
Last Modified: 19.11.2013

Here the license file and the database connection configuration file are created; the database is populated with data.

The fields in the Database parameters group vary depending on the chosen database type. Other fields are common to all databases.

MySQL database parameters

MySQL configuration parameters

If you install Bitrix Site Manager on a local machine and have the required applications (Apache, PHP, MySQL, Zend Optimizer for the trial versions), or Bitrix Web Environment installed:

  • Server: the address of a server that hosts the database engine (MySQL in this case). This value is usually "localhost" for local servers, and the port number in the format localhost:[port]. You can find the port number in the MySQL configuration files.
  • Important! When installing Bitrix Site Manager on Bitrix Web Environment, type localhost:31006 in this field.

  • Database user: select to create a new user;
  • User name: type here any desired database user name (login) that will be used to access the database.
  • Password: the database user password.
  • Database: select to create a new database.
  • Database name: the name of the database to which the product will be installed.
  • Type of database tables: standard tables are generally good for most use cases.
  • Select Create new database. A new group of fields will appear: Administrator login and password.
  • Type root in the Login field.
  • The Password field must be empty.

If you install Bitrix Site Manager on a remote server, consult the hosting service provider for the database parameters. Specifically, you should obtain values for the following fields:

  • Server address;
  • Database user: consult whether you need to create a new database user;
  • (database) User name;
  • (database) Password;
  • Database: consult whether you need to create a new database;
  • Database name;
  • Type of database tables.

Standard tabled are optimum for most cases. However, web shops are observed to perform better with InnoDB tables.

Attention! If you need to create a new database user or a new database, the database user name and password fields are required. If no database exists yet, you must create a new one (by selecting the appropriate option). However, new databases are usually created by the hosting service techsupport. You will only have to obtain the user name, password and connection parameters.

Oracle database parameters

  • Connection string: this field should contain either the name of a local Oracle instance, or the record name in tnsnames.ora to connect to. Example of the name of a local Oracle instance:
  • Database user: if checked, a new database user will be created. Otherwise, an existing user will be used.
  • User: a user name (login) of the database user used to access the database.
  • Password: a user password to access the database.
Note! If you choose to create a new database or database user, you will have to provide the database administrator's login and password. The database administrator's user name and password are used only at the installation and database creation time. This information is not stored in the system.

MSSQL database parameters

MSSQL configuration parameters

  • DSN: a database connection string. The string should contain, at least, the connection driver parameters and the server name. Optionally, you can include the user name, password or other parameters.
  • Note! Sometimes you would need to specify a user DSN name here (a connection must be created in advance). For local servers (if the product is installed on the same server as the database), this parameters usually has a value of localhost.

  • Database user: if checked, a new database user will be created. Otherwise, an existing user will be used.
  • User: a user name (login) used to access the database.
  • Password: a user password to access the database.
  • Create database: check this option if you want to create a new database.
  • Database name: type the name of the database to which the system will be installed.
  • Note! If you choose to create a new database or database user, you will have to provide the database administrator's login and password. The database administrator's user name and password are used only at the installation and database creation time. This information is not stored in the system.

Additional parameters

These parameters define permissions to assign to all files and folder of the site. They are common to all database types.

Additional configuration parameters

  • Access permission for site files: Permissions that will be applied to all newly created files. Access permissions should allow the web server to write to files.
  • Access permission for site folders: Permissions that will be applied to the newly created folders. Access permissions should allow the web server to write to folders.
Note: you can alter the database connection parameters manually by editing the file /bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php which is created upon installation.

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