Views: 7702
Last Modified: 10.10.2012

Here you will have to enter your license key and select database for which the system will be configured.

License key and database

  • License Key field: if you have already purchased a license, enter the license key here. If you install the product for evaluation purposes, leave the default field value (DEMO).
  • Choose database field: select here the database you want to support. If you install the trial version, you can choose any database

Note! MSSQL and Oracle databases are only available in Premium and Ultimate editions.

You must select the exact database type for which your license has been issued. Selecting any database type other than the one stipulated by the license violates the license agreement and can cause partial or full malfunction of your site.

The MSSQL database type will be available if only ODBC is supported by your system. Oracle databases require the OCI8 library (the file php_oci8.dll) to be installed. If your system does not meet these conditions, the MSSQL and/or Oracle database types will not be available.

Oracle and MySQL databases can be installed in UTF-8 encoding. If you choose to install UTF-8 version, mark the UTF-8 Installation option.

However, selecting UTF encoding requires the mbstring PHP module to be installed. You can verify the presence of this module by examining the contents of php.ini or .htaccess files:

  • php.ini
  • .htaccess
php_value mbstring.func_overload 2
php_value mbstring.internal_encoding UTF-8

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