Views: 10341
Last Modified: 10.10.2012

All versions of Bitrix Site Manager are shipped as .zip and .tar.gz archive files for PHP 5.

  • Download Bitrix Site Manager installation package to your server or computer.
  • Extract files from the archive to the root folder of your site.

Now, ensure your system corresponds minimum requirements.

  1. If required, install Apache web server and configure it to support PHP. Bitrix Site Manager requires Apache version 1.3 or better and PHP 5.0.0 or better.
  2. If required, install database engine (MySQL version 4.1.11 or higher, Oracle 10g or higher or MSSQL 9.0 (2005) or higher).
  3. If you install the Oracle version, ensure that the client part of Oracle Database 10g Client or higher is installed. Create a new user.
  4. If you reinstall the system, remember to remove all tables.
  5. Ensure that you have at least 10 MB of free disk space for the update system.
Attention! Bitrix Site Manager can only install and operate correctly if your system conforms these minimum requirements.

To start installation, open http://<your_site>/index.php in your browser. Replace here <your_site> with the real address of your site.

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