Views: 9151
Last Modified: 23.03.2022

User Blocks

The USER block shows user name and optional avatar. The AVATAR and LINK keys are optional.


Array("USER" => Array(
   "NAME" => "John Smith",
   "AVATAR" => "",
   "LINK" => "",

An entity ID can be used instead of the LINK key:

  • CHAT_ID => 1 specifies the chat link;
  • BOT_ID => 66 specifies the chatbot;
  • USER_ID => 1 specifies the user profile link.

Hyperlink Block

The LINK key displays a block with a hyperlink, description and image. This block is created automatically when a rich link is detected. The DESC and PREVIEW fields are optional.


Array("LINK" => Array(
   "NAME" => "Ticket #12345: new IM module API",
   "DESC" => "Need this done before the release!",
   "LINK" => "",
   "PREVIEW" => ""

Entity ID can be used instead of the LINK key:

  • CHAT_ID => 1 - specifies chat link;
  • USER_ID => 1 - specifies user profile link.

Text Block

The MESSAGE key displays text with basic BB code defined formatting.


Array("MESSAGE" => "API will be accessible in the [B]im 16.0.0[/B] update"),

The following BB codes are possible: USER, CHAT, SEND, PUT, CALL, BR, B, U, I, S.


DELIMITER - The DELIMITER key prints a visual separator, a line. The COLOR and SIZE keys are optional.


Array("DELIMITER" => Array(
   'SIZE' => 200,
   'COLOR' => "#c6c6c6"

Layout Block

The GRID key is used to format the enclosed arrays in blocks, rows or 2 columns.

  1. "DISPLAY" => "BLOCK" - Specifies that the enclosed arrays are to be shown one below the other.

    A WIDTH key is available to specify the block width in pixels.


    Array("GRID" => Array(
            "NAME" => "Description",
            "VALUE" => "Structured entity enclosures are required in IM messages and notifications.",
            "DISPLAY" => "BLOCK",
            "WIDTH" => "250"
            "NAME" => "Category",
            "VALUE" => "Suggestions",
            "DISPLAY" => "BLOCK"
  2. "DISPLAY" => "LINE" This key value specifies that each block is rendered one after the other in sequence until there is no space left, thereafter wrapping to a new line.

    A WIDTH key is available to specify the block width in pixels.


    Array("GRID" => Array(
          "NAME" => "Priority",
          "VALUE" => "High",
          "COLOR" => "#ff0000",
          "DISPLAY" => "LINE",
           "WIDTH" => "250"
          "NAME" => "Category",
          "VALUE" => "Suggestions",
          "DISPLAY" => "LINE"
  3. "DISPLAY" => "COLUMN". This key value formats the blocks in two columns.

    A WIDTH key is available to specify the block width in pixels.


    Array("GRID" => Array(
            "NAME" => "Priority",
            "VALUE" => "High",
            "DISPLAY" => "COLUMN"
            "WIDTH" => "250"
            "NAME" => "Category",
            "VALUE" => "Suggestions",
            "DISPLAY" => "COLUMN"

All layout types can use the additional keys:

  • COLOR - specifies the color to apply to the block (the VALUE key);
  • CHAT_ID - value is treated as the chat ID and will become chat link;
  • USER_ID - value is treated as the user ID and will become user profile link;
  • LINK - value will be shown as a link.
  • The VALUE key can also use these BB codes: USER, CHAT, SEND, PUT, CALL.

Image Block

The IMAGE key displays an image. It is recommended to provide a PREVIEW key value specifying a scaled down version of the image. If this key is missing, the LINK value is used instead. The NAME and PREVIEW keys are optional.


Array("IMAGE" => Array(
        "NAME" => "Hello, I'm Mantis",
        "LINK" => "",
        "PREVIEW" => ""

File Block

The FILE key shows a formatted file download link. The NAME (filename) and SIZE (file size in bytes) keys are optional.


Array("FILE" => Array(
        "NAME" => "mantis.jpg",
        "LINK" => "",
        "SIZE" => "1500000"

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