Views: 1366
Last Modified: 27.04.2023

Application for extending smiley and giphy options

Embedding code: IM_SMILES_SELECTOR

Can contain custom sources for images or smileys.


Parameter Required Description
context No Chat type to embed the app (ALL by default). Supports the multiple selection via ; of the following values:
  • USER – all user chats, excluding bots;
  • CHAT – all group chats, except lines and crm;
  • LINES – chat type lines (open channels);
  • CRM – only chats created within CRM;
  • ALL – all chats.
role Нет Роль пользователя, для которой доступно это приложение (по умолчанию USER). Поддерживает следующие значения:
  • USER – приложение доступно для всех пользователей;
  • ADMIN – приложение доступно только для администраторов портала.
extranet No Application is available for extranet users (N by default). Supports the following values:
  • N – application is unavailable for extranet users;
  • Y – application is available for extranet users.

This embedding has a current opening context, passed via current chat's dialogId.

const context =;

Application is rendered within a pop up window with selector of smileys and giphy (without option to alter size).

Call example:

        'HANDLER' => '',
        'LANG_ALL' => [
            'en' => [
                'TITLE' => 'Application for extending smiley and giphy options',
        'OPTIONS' => [
            'context' => 'USER;LINES',
            'role' => 'USER',
            'extranet' => 'Y',

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