Views: 20254
Last Modified: 26.08.2014

Time zone configuration is a very important parameter that is mandatory for checking and correcting the configuration. The parameter governs synchronization with calendars, orders, and many other aspects requiring a date and time configuration.

The server date and time are not the certain date and time. In fact, these are three different dates and times with certain time zones:

  • Server time
  • PHP time
  • MySQL time

To change the time zone, select item 1. Manage Hosts in the pool > 6. Configure timezone in the pool of Web-environment menu. This changes the date and time in three places at the same time as it is very important to ensure the same date and time for all three places.

  • Select the continent, country, and city and confirm the selected time zone in the prompt that appears.

  • After this, you are asked to change the PHP time zone.

  • At the end, confirm the time zone change for all the servers in the pool.

Note. To check, set the PHP and MySQL time so that you can also open an administration web-interface of Bitrix products: Control Panel > Settings > Tools > System check.

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