Views: 10697
Last Modified: 01.04.2014

To ensure the higher performance of the file system, we recommend the time marker change for the reading of files and directories to be disabled: noatime, nodiratime.

To this effect, the parameters in the line with its UUID must be edited (added in the current line) in /etc/fstab:

UUID=abd9bdaa-e17d-40b3-aee5-37ef53a57b16 /    ext4    defaults,noatime,nodiratime    1 1
where UUID=abd9bdaa-e17d-40b3-aee5-37ef53a57b16 - a unique disk identifier which may be found out by running the blkid command on the console.

Note: Instead of UUID the name of the device may be also used: /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3. Alternatively, a volume label may be used, if defined, for example: LABEL=root.

The new settings will come into effect after reloading.

To apply the new setting without server reloading the sections may be remounted by the command:

mount -o remount,noatime,nodiratime /

There is no a single steadfast rule to treat the problem of file system performance. If, for example, the disk also has a cache of some apps, the measures proposed may even reduce the performance because many applications clean the cache according to access mark which is to be disabled in the given example. In some cases, the increase of commit time may bring about a better result, especially if RAM is large. The commit time is determined by the commit parameter. For example, in order to set it on 120 seconds, it is necessary to add commit = 120. Thus, the mount options will be as follows:defaults,noatime,commit=120.

By default, the data and metadata dump to the disk may occur each 5 second. Postponement of the dump time may also reduce file fragmentation on a disk, if there are files to which data are frequently added, e.g., logs.

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