Views: 490
Last Modified: 31.01.2025
Task history overview
All modifications in the Virtual Appliance - settings, synchronization, launch of any services and etc. are performed via scripts - tasks.
It is possible to view the task that is currently in progress, as well as task history, in the menu 8. Background tasks in the pool:

It is possible to view the task that is currently in progress in the menu 8. Background tasks in the pool > 1. View running tasks:

To stop the task in progress, go to menu item 8. Background tasks in the pool > 1. View running tasks > 1. Stop task and input task identifier:

Clear history
To clean the task history, select the menu item 8. Background tasks in the pool > 2. Delete history.
Next, indicate:
- number of days to keep the remaining history
- filter to select tasks (for example, select all tasks with TaskID pushserver)
After this, all the tasks which satisfy the indicated period and filter are displayed; proceed with history cleaning query afterwards: