Views: 1989
Last Modified: 25.09.2024

Installation of Bitrix Environment (BitrixEnv) for Linux will be helpful for:

  • Users and developers who previously used Bitrix Virtual Appliance product for site preparation and experienced problems when migrating the configuration to host or non-virtual hardware with loss of performance.
  • For hosting-partners specialists planning to create different VPS templates for Bitrix24 products.
  • For system administrators requiring fast preparation of high-performance framework for the installation or migration of sites based on Bitrix24.
  • For programmers and system administrators requiring the fast deployment of a cluster, based on Bitrix24.

Bitrix Virtual Environment for Linux provides fast deployment of Bitrix products and solutions to operate with minimal expenses in an optimal environment of CentOS 9 Linux-based platform:

  • percona server 8.0
  • web-server (Apache 2.4.x)
  • php 8.x
  • nginx 1.26.x
  • redis
  • memcached
  • catdoc
  • xpdf

Installation on CentOS Stream 9

Below you can find the review of Bitrix Virtual Environment for Linux installation on the equipment with pre-installed CentOS Stream 9.

  1. Get authorized on the server with root administrative account.
  2. Download the Bitrix Virtual Environment for Linux script and run it via the following commands:
    wget && chmod +x && ./
  3. Then, it is necessary to accept the disabling of SElinux (if SElinux is enabled in the system) and reboot the system via reboot command:

  4. After the server is rebooted, continue the BitrixEnv installation:


  5. Upon completed installation , launch BitrixEnv menu:
  6. BitrixVA version 9x+ you must create a pool (1. Create Management pool of server). Pool wizard opens all the necessary ports in CentOS for correct Bitrix24 services performance:
    • 22 — ssh access
    • 80 / 443 — http / https web-serer
    • 8890 / 8891 — http/https ntlm
    • 8893 / 8894 — http/https instant message server

    When a pool is not created, only ports 22, 80 and 443 are open.

    Additional ports for services can be used inside Virutal Appliance, but they are not open for data input.

  7. When pool is created, you must connect Push (5. Configure Push/RTC service for the pool). This service is not connected automatically in Virtual Appliance version 9x+.
  8. Set password for user bitrix using the menu 1. Manage servers in the pool > 3. Change 'bitrix' user password on host.
  9. Server is ready for further use.

"Silent" BitrixEnv installation (silent mode) and launch keys

You can install the environment in "silent" mode with keys specified. This way allows creating a pool immediately with necessary host name after installing BitrixVA environment, launch the Push server and set a password for root MySQL.

Script launch command syntax, with all keys:

./ [-h] [-s] [-p [-H hostname]] [-P] [-t] [-M mysql_root_password]
  • -s - Silent mode for installation. Don't ask any questions.
  • -p - Create pool after Bitrix Environment is installed.
  • -H - Host name for pool creation procedure).
  • -F - Used as firewalld.
  • -I - Used as iptables firewall (by default).
  • -M - MySQL root password (Mysql password for root user).
  • -h — Print list of all script launch keys (print help messager)



  • launch the environment setup in "silent" mode
  • create pool with server1 host name
  • launch Push server
  • set root password for MySQL user — 'BX123bx@#MYSQL'
./ -s -p -H server1 -P -M 'BX123bx@#MYSQL'
Important! Launching push server (-P) when installing the environment works only jointly with pool creation (-p).

How to manage BitrixEnv

The menu below is used to manage Bitrix Virtual Appliance:

Click image to expand

To proceed to execution of any action in Virtual Appliance, please input the number and press Enter. For example, to configure virtual server, input 8. (Background pool tasks) and press Enter.

To return from the command line (if you have pressed 0. Exit or Ctrl+C) back to the BitrixEnv menu, input the following command in the console:


Handling files in BitrixEnv

The protocols SSH / SFTP are used to handle BitrixVA/i> files. Protocols FTP and SCP aren't supported by default.

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