Views: 3939
Last Modified: 18.01.2021

Adding server to the pool

To connect server to the pool you need to have the following information:

  • IP address or DNS name.
  • unique server name in the pool: it can be its DNS name, but not the IP address!
  • Password for root-user to enter. Password is required inly for the first entry, after that ssh-key is used for authorization.

Connecting consists of two stages:

  1. Copying ssh-key to server.
  2. Launching the common role for it.

Deleting server from the pool

When additional server is no longer required, it can be deleted from the pool.

When server is deleted from the pool, the following occurs:

  • server settings are deleted (firewall, access ssh-key).
  • server configuration is deleted at managing host (ansible inventory).
  • access rules are deleted for all the rest of remaining servers in the group (iptables).

Note: When deleted server has any role, ensure that this role is removed from it before deleting.

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