Views: 6695
Last Modified: 02.09.2024
Bitrix Virtual Appliance MySQL configuration:

Site settings are stored in the following files:
- /etc/my.cnf – MySQL main configuration file (modified upon update).
- /etc/mysql/conf.d/ – catalog with connected configuration files.
- bvat.cnf – parameters, depending on server type and server operating memory capacity.
- z_bx_custom.cnf – MySQL personal settings.
Attention: Bitrix Virtual Application performance uses client's file $HOME/.my.cnf. It's not recommended to delete it, because this file contains data for connecting to database under root user.
All changes in standard apache configuration files can be lost during updating or modifying Bitrix Virtual Appliance settings. To avoid this, individual specific files and storage locations are available for personal settings.
Global mysql settings for the complete server are available in the file /etc/mysql/conf.d/z_bx_custom.cnf.