Views: 11608
Last Modified: 04.09.2024

  1. For operations, described in this chapter, knowledge of *nix-systems administration is required. Prior to start of these operations, it is recommended to perform full backup of Bitrix Virtual Appliance.
  2. Provided settings are listed outside the scope of the Virtual Appliance menu. This means that the details below are provided for informational purposes only and should be used with clear understanding of your actions and under your own liability. Bitrix24 technical support reviews the questions related to Virtual Appliance menu items only.

If the use of Bitrix Virtual Appliance or BitrixVA ami-image, the problem of insufficient free space can occur after some time.

There are two methods to resolve this problem:

  1. Add one more hard drive to the Virtual Appliance, mount it in the system and transfer a portion of content to it (more optimal method);
  2. Increase size of existing virtual hard drive.

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