Views: 4885
Last Modified: 10.10.2012
Navigation chain show is implementing with use of the following code:


Function for navigation chain call can be used not only in site template, but in a page or any visual component code placed on a page. For example, this function is utilized in the Search component.

Click to enlarge

Name of the navigation chain template is assigned with use of the component parameters (on the parameter setting panel).

Note: Trial version contains the additional navigation chain template for use with the Search component. It can be found in the default component template folder /bitrix/components/bitrix/

You can turn off the navigation chain show for the desired pages or sections. To do so, specify a page or section not_show_nav_chain and set it to Y. The property not_show_nav_chain value can be assigned the following ways:

  • in the folder properties editing form;

    Click to enlarge
  • during a page editing in the HTML editor;

    Click to enlarge

  • during editing a page «as Text»;

    Click to enlarge
  • in page source code with use of the function SetPageProperty().

      $APPLICATION->SetPageProperty("keywords", "Bitrix, content management, web-solution, site");
      $APPLICATION->SetPageProperty("description", " Bitrix Site Manager – is a powerful Content Management Solution");
      $APPLICATION->SetPageProperty("NOT_SHOW_NAV_CHAIN", "Y");
      $APPLICATION->SetTitle("Bitrix Site Manager 5.x");  

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