Views: 4822
Last Modified: 29.08.2013

Web-site is a group of sections, web-pages and other files. According to the system concept, initially site section is a folder that contains files, belonging to the corresponding site section.

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Every folder can have its own properties, allowing:

  • to manage information section information showing;
  • to manage section pages properties (including keywords and descriptions);
  • to manage other section page properties and etc.

Site sections and pages management is implementing in administrative section with the help of File Manager (module "Site Explorer")

Content -> Site Explorer.

File Manager allows:

  • to create, copy, edit and remove site folders and pages;
  • to upload files from local computer;
  • to manage user permissions to access site sections and pages;
  • to manage section (folder) and page properties;
  • to manage site menu.

To proceed to folder or page creation or editing from the public section use the administrative panel (the panel is shown only for authorized users having permissions to manage site elements):

- creates a new page in the current site section;
- creates a new folder in the current site section;
- edits a current page.
- opens a form for editing the current section properties;

The site pages can contain information of both static and dynamic nature:

  • The static is information that remains constant in time. Examples of static information are advertising text, company history, contact information etc. Static information is usually created, edited or deleted manually by users who have enough permissions to perform such operations.

    Click to enlarge  Click to enlarge
  • The dynamic information can be changed or developed with time by using the special system facilities. Examples of dynamic information are the selection of the latest news, product catalogue, photo gallery, random photo of the day etc.

    Click to enlarge  Click to enlarge

Being a well-know user interface concept, menus deliver a great effortlessness of the site navigation experience to visitors. With the Bitrix Site Manager, you can easily create menus for your site and manage them.

A common page contains the following menus:

  • main menu (usually at the top), used to guide visitors through the site sections:

  • complementary menu (usually at the left or right), used to navigate through pages and subsections of a site section:

Link on a page can be added to menu during editing this page in the visual editor mode.

During a new section creation link on it can be added to menu of the parent section.

The same operations can be implemented in menu editing form.

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