

handler function( array arFields );

"OnSearchGetURL" event is called when formatting an element in the search results from the CSearch::Fetch method and when creating Google Sitemap CSiteMap::Create. Presently, this event is called only for parametrized URLs.


Parameter Description
arFields Array that describes a search index element.

Returned value

Handler function can apply formatting to a URL element. And the value must be returned even if the formatting was not applied.

See Also

  • CSearch::Fetch
  • CSiteMap::Create
  • Example of handler function:


    // register the "OnSearchGetURL" event handler of the "search" module
    AddEventHandler("search", "OnSearchGetURL", array("CMyClass", "OnSearchGetURL"));

    class CMyClass
    public static function OnSearchGetURL($arFields)
    $url = str_replace("#MY_SID#", md5(rand()), $arFields["URL"]);
    return $url;


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