

In this topic

  • Filter
  • Context bar
  • List of discounts
  • The Discount form serves to establish discounts and make them dependent on the order value. The discount is calculated on the total order amount, without delivery costs.


    A filter is used to set the parameters for selecting the discounts to be displayed in the list.

    Field Description
    Site The site whose discounts are to be displayed.

    Click Set filter to activate the filter. To display all information, click Cancel.

    Context bar

    Button Description
    Add a new discount Opens a form in which you can create a new discount.
    Excel Exports data from the table to the MS Excel format.

    List of discounts

    Field Description
    Checkbox column Used to select discounts to which the desired actions are to be applied. Available rules and actions can be found in the action bar below the table.
    Action menu
    Clicking the action button of any discount opens a menu allowing to:
    • Modify discount parameters - switches to the discount editing form;
    • Delete - deletes the discount.
    ID The ID of the discount.
    Site The site on which this discount is valid. Different sites use different discounts.
    Act. Indicates whether the discount is currently active or not. Inactive discounts are not offered to customers.
    Total order value The range of the order amounts (without delivery costs) for which the discount is offered.
    Discount Discount value. Discounts can be specified as relative values (percentage), or as fixed values.
    Sort Sort order; defines how the discounts are positioned in lists.
    Selected Number of records selected from the database.
    Checked Number of marked records.
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