


The event OnAdminTabControlBegin is called in the function CAdminTabControl::Begin() when edit form admin panel is displayed. The event allows to change or add its own edit form tabs.

Function parameters

Parameter Description
form Reference to the class object CAdminTabControl. Using the class member $form->tabs allows to get access to the form tabs. Structure of array tabs is described at the page CAdminTabControl constructor.

Returned value

Returned values is not used.

See Also

Examples of use

AddEventHandler("main", "OnAdminTabControlBegin", "MyOnAdminTabControlBegin");
public static function MyOnAdminTabControlBegin(&$form)
if($GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->GetCurPage() == "/bitrix/admin/posting_edit.php")
$form->tabs[] = array("DIV" => "my_edit", "TAB" => "More", "ICON"=>"main_user_edit", "TITLE"=>"Additional parameters", "CONTENT"=>
'<tr valign="top">
<td>Additional letter headers:</td>
<input type="text" name="MY_HEADERS[]" value="" size="30"><br>
<input type="text" name="MY_HEADERS[]" value="" size="30"><br>
<input type="text" name="MY_HEADERS[]" value="" size="30"><br>

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