

 int answer_id,
 mixed width = "",
 string file_type = "IMAGE",
 int max_file_size = 0,
 mixed file_id = "",
 string add_to_file = "class=\"inputfile\"",
 string add_to_checkbox = "class=\"inputcheckbox\"",

Returns HTML code for the file upload field. This field is intended to input "image" or or "file" type answer.

This method can be used in both the form for creating new result, and form for editing of existing result. Non-static method.

Name of resulting HTML field will be generated by the following mask:

Method parameters

Parameter Description Available from version
answer_id ID of answer.
width Width of resulting file upload field:
<input type="file" size="width" ...>

Optional parameter. Empty by default.
file_type Type of file. The following values are possible:
  • IMAGE - image;
  • FILE - arbitrary file.
Optional parameter. Default value - "IMAGE".
max_file_size Максимальный размер загружаемого файла (в байтах).

Параметр необязательный. По умолчанию - 0 (без ограничений).
file_id ID of uploaded (edited) file.

Optional parameter. Empty by default.
add_to_file Custom HTML, to be added to the HTML tag of file upload field:
<input type="file" add_to_file ...>

Optional parameter. Default value - "class=\"inputfile\"".
add_to_checkbox Custom HTML to be added to the HTML tag of flag to delete an edited file:
<input type="checkbox" add_to_checkbox ...>

Optional parameter. Default value - "class=\"inputcheckbox\"".
PARAM_TEXT Optional parameter. Deleted starting from version 4.0.4 3.3.10

See Also

Examples of use

       Result edit

$RESULT_ID = 12; // Result ID
<form action="" method="POST">


            // array describing the answer field
            // contains minimally-required fields
            $arAnswer = array(
                "ID"            => 607,   // ID of the field with answer to the question "Photo"
                "FIELD_WIDTH"   => 10,    // field width
                "FIELD_PARAM"   => ""     // field parameters

            // get parameters of uploaded file
            if ($arFile = CFormResult::GetFileByAnswerID($RESULT_ID, $arAnswer["ID"])):
                // if the file is retrieved...
                if (intval($arFile["USER_FILE_ID"])>0):
                    // and is an image...  
                    if ($arFile["USER_FILE_IS_IMAGE"]=="Y") :
                        // display the image 
                        echo CFile::ShowImage(
                    echo "<br><br>"; 

            // display field for file download
            echo CForm::GetFileField(
                0,  // maximum file size is no limited


                                Random file

            // array describing answer field 
            // contains minimally-required fields
            $arAnswer = array(
                "ID"            => 610,   // ID of field for answer to question "CV"
                "FIELD_WIDTH"   => 10,    // field width
                "FIELD_PARAM"   => ""     // field parameters

            // get parameters of uploaded file 
            if ($arFile = CFormResult::GetFileByAnswerID($RESULT_ID, $arAnswer["ID"])):
                // if the file is retrieved...
                if (intval($arFile["USER_FILE_ID"])>0):

                    // display information about the file 
                    <a title="File view" target="_blank" class="tablebodylink" href="/bitrix/tools/form_show_file.php?rid=<?=$result_id?>&hash=<?echo $arFile["USER_FILE_HASH"]?>〈=<?=LANGUAGE_ID?>"><?=htmlspecialchars($arFile["USER_FILE_NAME"])?></a>
                    $a = array("b", "Kb", "Mb", "Gb");
                    $pos = 0;
                    $size = $arFile["USER_FILE_SIZE"];
                    while($size>=1024) {$size /= 1024; $pos++;}
                    echo round($size,2)." ".$a[$pos];
                    [&nbsp;<a title="<?echo str_replace("#FILE_NAME#", $arFile["USER_FILE_NAME"], "Download")?>" class="tablebodylink" href="/bitrix/tools/form_show_file.php?rid=<?=$result_id?>&hash=<?echo $arFile["USER_FILE_HASH"]?>〈=<?=LANGUAGE_ID?>&action=download">Download</a>&nbsp;]

            // display field for file upload
            echo CForm::GetFileField(
                0,  // maximum file size is not limited

<input type="submit" name="save" value="Save">

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