Handling dialog windows
JS extension ui.dialogs.messagebox
JS extension ui.dialogs.messagebox provides API for creating standard Alert and Confirm dialog window types. (UI module version 19.0.500).
Connecting at PHP page
Connecting in ES6
import { MessageBox } from 'ui.dialogs.messagebox';
- 4 button variants: ОК, Yes, No, Cancel.
- Several variants of button sets: Ок, Yes, No, Cancel, Ок-Cancel, Yes-Cancel, Yes/No, Yes-No-Cancel.
- Each button text can be customized and its callback specified.
- Button is automatically blocked (disabled) for debounce protection.
- When button's callback returns a promise, button transitions to "loading" status.
- Dialog window title support. In this case, buttons become bigger and are separated from content by a line.
- Arbitrary buttons (objects or class descendants BX.UI.Button) can replace standard buttons.
- Mode modal adds an overlay.
- Additionally, options can be passed for BX.PopupWindow.
Basic use
To quickly create dialog windows, use static methods Alert and Confirm.
Note: When dialog window contains multiline text or layout elements (images, checkboxes and etc.), always specify a title.
Informational dialog window (alert)
This method allows quickly create an informational dialog window (Alert).
BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.alert("Message", (messageBox, button, event) => {}); BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.alert("Message", (messageBox, button, event) => {}, "Continue"); BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.alert("Message", "Title"); BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.alert("Message", "Title", (messageBox, button, event) => {}); BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.alert("Message", "Title", (messageBox, button, event) => {}, "Continue");Examples:
BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.alert( message: string | Element | Node, okCallback?: Function, okCaption?: string ); //Method signature with specified dialog window title BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.alert( message: string | Element | Node, title?: string, okCallback?: Function, okCaption?: string );
Asynchronous callback
BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.alert( "Asynchronous processing of button click", (messageBox, button, event) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log("async job started."); setTimeout(() => { console.log("async job ended."); resolve(true); }, 3000); }); } );
The same example, but without promises.
BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.alert( "Manual asynchronous button click processing", (messageBox, button, event) => { console.log("async job started."); button.setWaiting(); setTimeout(() => { button.setWaiting(false); messageBox.close(); console.log("async job ended."); }, 3000); } );
Confirmation dialog window
This method allows quickly created a confirmation dialog window.
BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.confirm("Message"); BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.confirm("Message", () => {}); BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.confirm("Message", () => {}, "Continue"); BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.confirm("Message", () => {}, "Continue", () => {}); BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.confirm("Message", "Title"); BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.confirm("Message", "Title", () => {}); BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.confirm("Message", "Title", () => {}, "Continue", () => {});
BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.confirm( message: string | Element | Node, okCallback?: Function, okCaption?: string, cancelCallback?: Function ); //Method signature with specified dialog window title BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.confirm( message: string | Element | Node, title?: string, okCallback?: Function, okCaption?: string, cancelCallback?: Function );
Creating dialog windows
All dialog window settings can be passed via static method show
BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.show( { message: "Text with popup content description, located here.", modal: true, buttons: BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBoxButtons.OK_CANCEL, onOk: function(messageBox) { console.log("onOk"); messageBox.close(); }, onCancel: function(messageBox) { console.log("onCancel"); messageBox.close(); }, } );
Arbitrary set of buttons:
BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.show( { message: ` <label class="ui-ctl ui-ctl-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" class="ui-ctl-element"> <div class="ui-ctl-label-text">delete settings and app data</div> </label> `, title: "Are you sure you want to delete the app?", buttons: [ new BX.UI.Button( { color: BX.UI.Button.Color.DANGER, text: "Delete" } ), new BX.UI.CancelButton() ], } );
When you need to get link to a dialog object, there is a method create
const messageBox = BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.create( { message: "Are you sure you want to delete the file?", title: "Confirm deleting", buttons: BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBoxButtons.OK_CANCEL, onOk: function(messageBox) { console.log("onOk"); messageBox.close(); }, } ); messageBox.show();
Or create a class object BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox
const messageBox = new BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox( { message: "Are you sure you want to delete the file?", title: "Deleting confirmation", buttons: BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBoxButtons.OK_CANCEL, okCaption: "Yes", onOk: function() { console.log("onOk"); }, } ); messageBox.show();
Button click processing
Default clicking on any button closes the dialog window. When handler is defined for a button, dialog window behaviour depends on returned value:
- true — close dialog window.
- false — disabled status removed from the button, dialog window stays opened.
- undefined (void) — no automatic actions, dialog window closing or removal of disabled button status must be done manually.
- Promise — button transitions to "loading" status. Promise resolve closes dialog window; rejected promise returns button to original state.
BX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox.alert("Message", (messageBox, button, event) => { messageBox.close(); } );
Button handlers have the arguments as follows:
— dialog object (class instanceBX.UI.Dialogs.MessageBox
— button object (class instanceBX.UI.Button
— click event object (MouseEvent