

Attention! We strongly recommend first to learn more about Sites module REST documentation to understand how the module functions (with REST available in Bitrix24 Self-hosted editions). View this documentation as useful source when working with Bitrix24 Self-hosted editions and when you want to learn more about API.

public static function Site::add(

Adds a site.


$fieldsArray of site parameters. Array keys:
  • TITLE - site name
  • DOMAIN_ID - domain ID
  • CODE - site code. CODE must be unique within domain when adding and updating a site.
  • SMN_SITE_ID - main module site ID. See details below


if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('landing'))
   $res = \Bitrix\Landing\Site::add(
         'TITLE' => 'New site',
         'DOMAIN_ID' => 1,
         'CODE' => 'tratata'
   if ($res->isSuccess())
      echo 'new id: ' . $res->getId();

Historically, Bitrix24 Sites24 are located in public sections (for both Self-hosted and Cloud).

Single Site24 is associated with a single main module site. Such connection is automatic when entering Sites24 menu. The field SMN_SITE_ID governs such association. For example:

if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('landing'))
   $res = \Bitrix\Landing\Site::add(
         'TITLE' => 'New site',
         'DOMAIN_ID' => 1,
         'CODE' => 'tratata',
         'SMN_SITE_ID' => 's1'
   if ($res->isSuccess())
      echo 'new id: ' . $res->getId();

Creating using template

Developers may need to create site using a template displayed in the site or landing page interface. It can be done starting from module version 18.6.0 by directly querying a demo template component.

// connect the component and initiate it via parameters
$componentName = 'bitrix:landing.demo';
$className = \CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass($componentName);
$demoCmp = new $className;
$demoCmp->arParams = array(
   'TYPE' => 'STORE',// PAGE – standard site, STORE – online store
// get list of site demo templates
$tpl = $demoCmp->getDemoSite();
// and pages
$tpl = $demoCmp->getDemoPage();
// array keys $tpl are template code to be passed into next method 

Please note, catalog import is not performed via this example in case of online store. Also note, that this code is for illustrating API applicability only.

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